- New licence application/Change of hands
- Amendments
- Annual licence submissions
- NPV Calculations
- Business Plans
The Petroleum Products Amendment Act (Act No 58, 2003) states that all retailers of prescribed petroleum products must be in possession of a valid retail licence. Any failure to act in accordance with the Act incurs penalties, including a fine of up to R1 000 000. Whenever a filling station is sold to a new owner or if there is a change in company ownership of the facility of 50% or more, a new retail licence must be obtained from the Department of Energy. Introdeals will facilitate the submission process for the application of a retail licence by providing all the services necessary. Please note: The Act prohibits any person or entity from holding both a retail and wholesale licence.
- New licence application
- Amendments
- Annual licence submissions
- NPV Calculations
- Business Plans
A wholesaler is any person or business that purchases and sells prescribed petroleum products in bulk, which is defined as 1 500 litres or more per transaction from or to a licenced manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer. A wholesaler can also sell any petroleum product to the end consumer provided that the rule regarding the 1 500 litres applies.
The Act states that no person may operate as a wholesaler (which means that you may not sell any form of petroleum product) unless that person or business entity has a valid wholesale licence. Wholesale licences may be applied for with storage facilities or without storage facilities according to The Act.
Please note: The Act prohibits any person or entity from holding both a retail and wholesale licence.
- Site licence transfer
- Amendments
A site licence is issued to a person/business that holds land or has permission from the owner of land to develop a site for the purpose of retailing petroleum products. The Petroleum Products Amendment Act (Act No 58, 2003) stipulates that all manufacturing, wholesale and retail facilities for the refinery, storage and sales of all liquid fuel products are subject to a site licence. Where there is an existing site licence and the site is sold, the new site owner must apply for a transfer of the existing site licence. A site licence needs to correspond with the retail licence in all instances, as these two are inextricably linked.
- New licence application
- New site application
New developments need to comply with environmental legislation, zoning law as well as conform to Road Traffic Authorities. The first step is to assess the viability of the site which requires the services of Environmental and Traffic Specialists within the petroleum sector. The Controller (Department of Energy) must be satisfied that a new site is needed at a specific location and that this site is also economically desirable. Its establishment must also promote the licensing objectives stipulated in the Act. Factors that require consideration include zoning, heritage and flora and fauna reports as well as the location of competitors and the accessibility of the facility. Introdeals collaborates with accredited professionals within the fuel industry who will provide the best service possible to clients.
The Annual Submission Process is applicable to every entity or individual in possession of a valid retail or wholesale licence. Your licence will be valid for as long as your business is a going concern and does not need to be renewed. However, annual information about your business must be sent through to the Department of Energy for their records by 28 February each year and an annual licence fee of R500 is required and payable to the Controller of Petroleum Products. We have simplified this mundane process, enabling you to submit your annual submission online, on time, leaving you free to run your business without the administrative burden that usually arises at the end of the tax year.
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